Training is an ongoing process. The only way "we can be you" is to learn you, learn how you operate, learn how you interact with your customers and learn how to solve customer issues. Our core training revolves around listening. It is impossible to interact with anyone let alone customers if one doesn't listen. It is much easier to teach an agent to work in your CRM, database, web portal, etc... than it is to teach an agent to listen to the customer, display empathy and respond in the appropriate manner. We invite and encourage our customers to be involved with initial agent training to the maximum extent possible.
Training Methodologies
We have many tools that aid us when it comes to agent training. Listed below are just a few of the many training resources that are utilized.
Zingtree agent scripting is a highly reliable, cloud based scripting application that guides agent’s call handling. Even the most complex interactions are made simpler and more efficient.
Learn more about Zingtree at
Adobe Captivate: This technology allows agents to gain understanding of more complex customer portal and CRM interactions. Furthermore, our agents are then tested on the content they have learned to ensure lower handle times and fewer errors.
This product has revolutionized how companies train agents while keeping costs at an absolute minimum. When applicable, our customers opt to co-produce training videos with us instead of spending valuable time traveling and training groups of agents in person. The brief video below demonstrates how Captivate functions.